424th Day of Prayer 🙏 Thursday, 30 August 2018 11:17

Pastor Paul Thangiah
If there is a mountain in front of let us not change the mountain but the le the mountain change you.
Acts 2:2-4.
Don’t use the Holy Spirit but let the Holy Spirit use you.
There is a season fore the vine to give grapes 🍇 but there is a season for the farmer to prune the vine before the fruit 🍇  These are the times of pruning in your life.
He is eternal we are not we keep growing old and he asks us to wait. What we see as dead God sees as alive, Lazarus was dead for us but for Jesus he was sleeping.

“Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses' face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory?”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:7-8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Pastor Dudley Thangiah
This week is a week of anointing
Act 4:31 ,16:35
Where there is anointed prayer 🙏 there will be a shaking. Where there be anointed worship and praise there will be a shaking.
Malachi 3:10 . Act 1,7
A desire for the Holy Spirit to fill us.
This is not a church with ministers but church will be a ministry.
The holy spirit anointing is required for
  1. Boldness
  2.  Anointing for ministry  With power.
  3. We are edificed  become holy step by step.
1 Cor 14:4
We are not anointed when we are holy. We receive anointing to become holy.
Holy Spirit transform
When you receive Jesus Holy spirit resides in you and when you receive holy spirt, He  presides in you
Eph 4:29-30
John 16:14
  1. We are anointed for  intercession prayer 🙏
Romans 8:26.
God reveals a destruction somewhere you need to pray. God reveals not to destroy but to save.
Example of Jonah.
  1. Rom 5:5 Those who get the  anointing we gat a spirit of compassion. You receive the love of Jesus.


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