508th day of prayer 22 November 2018

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508th day vedio
Pastor shared about evangelist Smith wiggles worth.
Never underestimate your worth smith did not know to read or write his wife thought him to read.
You can learn what you have not learnt.
My flier in 1982 said if you are given up by doctors call pastor paul Thangiah.
I said to God don’t bring any dyeing case. But the first person came and said my mother is dying of Cancer. Prayed for her and God healed her.
Make a shift allow the Holy Spirit to work in you.
I am moving in the Holy Spirit .
I don’t care what the devil says but I am moving in the spirit.
I made a cake in the design of this church for my birthday in 1982.
As the bore well gives water which gives life. So as you dig the BibleGod gives life.

Your commitment to God is the test of your ministry.
I like one thing about Smith is he used anointing oil to pray for the sick. King George asked smith for a hand kerchief one day Modi will ask for our hand kerchief. When you live in faith no demons of hell can stop you.


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