506th day of prayer. 20 November 2018

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506th day of prayer

Praying in the spirit
More than 450 areas people are coming to our church.
Next year we are moving to 1000 care cell.
God made the cosmos for him to breathe  but he is living in a small creature like us.

Ask God for a burden for soul. We don’t have to have pride that we are the biggest church but we want to be rich in grace.
God Spirit is there with us to help us to pray where ever we wait we get tired when we sit here and get tired the Holy Spirit prays besides you.

When you get tired in prayer don’t worry Holy Spirit will help you. When  we do not know what we have prayer he will pray in us and for us.

The powerful God Holy Spirit is praying for you. The God who created the cosmos is in you to pray. He knows all our pain and groans within us and is praying for us.
When I went through tears I trusted you. When my family was crying for me God said I am your God.

Jesus is in me Holy Spirit is praying through me God the father is with me. Trinity is working for you.

Your husband is drinking or you have applied for job and you did not get it. Then you become tired and in that time God will help you to pray.

You can get tired in work in ministry and other things but do not get tired in prayer the Holy Spirit is there to strengthen you. You will never get tired when praying because the Holy Spirit is with him.
Jude 20

“But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!”
‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:20-21‬ ‭MSG‬‬
When I was in Kodaicannel I prayed in tongues for three days. When I preached in the hall even the tourist on the road fell down.

Don’t operate by your mind but in the spirit
Abraham Faith laid Isaac on the alter then heaven has said you are a man of faith in the New Testament we don’t have to lay Isaac on the alter to be called a man of faith but pray in tongues to be called a man of faith.

Jacob said let us go back to Bethel and meet the God who met me my answer is in Bethel. I am going back to God. I have been running and running 🏃‍♂️ but on this day I want to go back  to Bethel.


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