502nd day of prayer 🙏 Friday, 16 November 2018

Tap here's for the vedio
This to that
I am in this but I moving to that.
From this I expect that.
My life is making me. He will take me from here to there.
He will take you to the next level.
I am moving from this to that.
Don’t die as you are but go to the next level.
Sometimes you go through hard times, but god is taking you to the next level.
When a eagle 🦅 lays a egg 🥚 it waits for the chick 🐥 but if the eagle breaks the egg it will get only a dead chick but if it waits it gets a healthy chick.
You are being prepared for that the next level of prayer, fasting, meditation of the word of God.
I am waiting for 502 days I am going to break the egg 🥚 and come out. The eaglet did not need anyone’s help to come out. Every thing around me is changing.
When you rest in the nest  he will feed you help you grow, he will nature you. When I rest he will help me to break that shell around me. He who is feeding me will keep on feeding till I come out. All these problems are only for some days God is moving me to the next level..  When you are in the nest nobody will know me but I am going to next level.
I don’t care how I am but I know who is with me.
You are seeing the Red Sea only after you came out of Egypt but God knows it before.

90 minutes with Jesus pastor Sammy
John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5 ESV
The light that the angels bring when they come from heaven is within you.
The sickness poverty are all darkness they cannot overcome in your life because of the light in you.


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