491st day of prayer 5 November 2018

Fasting and Fasting and prayerfully
Fasting helps me to draw near to God.
Fasting helps me for focusing on God.
Fasting helps me to hear the voice of God.
What we have not seen in the churches of India and globally we have to see in our life time.
You might leave certain things while fasting may be  one lunch, breakfast, or without seeing the tv or mobile or not to keep talking but read the word of God.
Fasting Releases more power into my pray. My grandson Nathan was saying I saw a white angel and a black angel and the white angel killed the black angel.
God is releasing angels as you pray. It is destroying the black angel. Fasting and prayer is a powerful tool given to you. The atmosphereic realm is changing above you.
Our weapon to fight the enemy is fasting prayer and word of God. Every believer should fast at least one day in a week.
What is fasting is not.
Fasting is not compulsive prayer not to manipulate God not to get power to perform miracle not to punish our body, not  to prove spirituallity not to gain power, not to compare spiritually to others.
My purpose of fasting.
To remove my eyes from the world and focus my eye to God.
It is a delebrate intensional discision to abstain from things to seek God. I deny my normal duties for seeking God
1982 our church was started  with 3 people and one rupee. 35 years through our church many churches were established many pastors were raised up. But the desire now is to seek after God more to hold his feet.
I have learnt in the 41 years of ministry  that the more we grow the more we should become simple.
Prayer, reading of bible and fasting should go together.
Isaiah 58:6-12
Verse 8, 9
When we fast we should not isolate from others and say I am holier then you. Fasting is not to lift yourself up but to break us and mould us. When you pray 100% God will do miracles.
Verse 8-12
During my fasting I do not point my fingers on others and say you are bad but we go to help others who are poor and without food to build up their life.
You will build up the ruined places.
You will speak one word into to the life of others who are broken and the Lord will build them up.
We always think who will build me but God wants to use you to build others.
How excited you will be if one of your family member is gone abroad and they are coming back after two years so should be our excitement for 500 day prayer.
My people will dwell in peaceful places. You will not have any sickness the Egyptians had.
To divide the Red Sea Moses did not speak a word he only held out the rod and the Lord spoke to the Red Sea. You don’t have to speak a word on behalf of you God has already spoken the word to divide the Red Sea in your life.
Don’t look at others and run your life but look to the cross.
If you have passion it will take you to the places which you have not dreamt.

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