Mariam's 58th birthday

On this day of the 58th birthday of my wife Mariam , I could testify God has been good. Eight and half years have passed by without her.
I shared a message on MARIAM fifth Death anniversary what each word stands for with my family which I am giving below.

   M Stands for Miracle

God is a God of miracles Mariams life was a life of miracle
Mariam was diagnosed as having heart problems ad doctor had just to fix a date for the open heart operation but after Prayer they found out she was perfectly OK .

Mariam was Anaemic next day she had to given blood transfusion Pastor prayed and after prayer there was enough blood.

Mariam due to family problems She Planned to commit suicide on a good Friday, God intervened and stopped her.

Whole night Mariam's Nose was bleeding in Philomena hospital morning doctor looked at me and said inform all she is going to die. After prayer she lived.

Doctors said Mariam's child birth will be very difficult but she walked into the hospital at 5 am and at 6 am Dany was born. Everything normal.

At St. Johns hospital she was rushed to the  operation theatre for an urgent appendix operation God did a miracle and she did not have the operation.1988

Mariam's heart did not revive after the Heart operation someone in the operation theatre prayed and the heart started functioning.

In Trinity hospital nothing could be done she was put into the ICU. God miraculously brought her out.

Declared dead in St. Johns hospital. After about 5 minutes she came back to life.

              A stands for abundance Phil 4:19 luke6:28.

We did have needs but God meet all the needs. Morning I would have gone to work without any money at home but in the evening we had our needs met.
One Sunday the pastor of our church said that he has sold his car for there was no money to build the church, the next day Maria gave her only Gold chain to build the church. Today I can say God has meet all our needs and have paid back about 10 lakhs of loan I had in 2010. What ever you give God will give back multiple fold.

                 R for rejoice Phil 4:4 John 16:20

When at mid night she will be in severe pain she would ask me to pray or call her friend Agnes and pray, in the morning no one will know she had gone through pain. She did not complain any time of her pain.

Till her death she did all her work by herself. She rejoiced in the Lord always.

             I stands for In his presence Mat 6:33

2010 Jan we took her to hospital as she was very sick. The doctors told that she has to be admitted immediately and operation to be done. It was a Wednesday, She said “I will go to church on the Sunday and on Monday I will get admitted. She always gave importance for God’s presence , she never missed her church on a Sunday.

         A stands  for abide in  Him. John 15:4 7. 2 cor 5:17.

In 1982 a pastor came home and shared the gospel with her and prayed for her telling her about the sickness which she was going through and prayed for her, on that day she receivedJesus in her life and started her walk with Jesus. She truly abided in Him.

           M stands  for Mighty God Isaiah 9:6

As paul said in 2 Tim. 4:17 She had fought a good figh and kept her faith. She went to be with the Mighty God on 20 February 2010


  1. God is good all the time. His mercy endures forever. Amazing testimony.

  2. Praise the lord brother,May sisters soul rest in peace
    God bless you.


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