9 October 2020

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.”
‭‭Nahum‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Be patient, what God has not done in a year, He can do in a day;  and what you haven't done in a day, you can do in an instant.  Your times will always be perfect;  remember that you were born to win and not to be defeated.

If you have been praying for something that is taking longer than expected, remember, the Bible tells us that, through faith and patience, we will inherit God’s promises. It might be taking longer than you thought, but trust that God is at work behind the scenes.

The enemy is called the accuser. He’ll remind you of every mistake you’ve made, every time you’ve failed. He’d love for you to wear negative labels: unworthy, washed up, no future. Don’t wear those labels. Say what God says about you, “I’m forgiven, I’m redeemed, I’m restored.”


  1. God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge!
    You’re a proven help in time of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you.

    So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes, moving mountains and casting them into the sea.

    For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves cannot erode our faith in you.
    Psalms‬ ‭46:1-3‬ ‭TPT


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