6 October 2020

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Sunday message by Rev. Paul thangiah.
No one likes to be tested. We like blessings. We do not naturally like tests. But God tests everyone. He leaves no one untested.
When your faith is tested your endurance grows
James 1:2-4

3 test we go through
1. What Lord? The new task. Noah
faith is facing the future without knowing what’s going to happen.
Many are comfortable with what they are doing.

2. Where Lord? A major shift in your life
Hebrew 12:8-10 God told Abraham to leave your place and go when he was 75 years. When God calls you he will open doors for you. No one to guide him.
When you are ready to retire God is ready to inspire
Faith is following Gods leading without knowing where. He who has called me will protect me he will feed me he will provide for me. The test is good because it will make you complete in God.

3. When Lord? A delayed promise. Example of Abraham. Hebrew 11:8-10 Are you going to give up? Your blessings is not your house your car your company but your blessing is to be like Jesus.
Base your life on Gods promises and not on your explanation. Faith is waiting for Gods timing not knowing when.


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