520th day of prayer 4 December 2018

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520th day of prayer part 1
520th day of prayer part 2
God did it for good
Psalms 103:19 God is so powerful he has set his throne in heaven.
“The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:19‬ ‭ESV‬‬
God is the king over my life. He is my king.
We should pray the Gods word to him.
Days will come miracles will be common.
Don’t live under the law I don’t pray to twist God’s arm. I don’t pray because god will punish me I pray for a relationship with God. You try to stop smoking I could not but when I ask god to do it for me he will do it for me. If moses made the people to cross the Red Sea then they would have made a statue of moses but people knew it was only God.
👉 As you pray your faith in the word will increase. When you pray when you read psalms 23 it will have a new meaning.
👉 Every one minute you pray you destroy 100 hours of the Satan’s kingdom.

““Come closer to me,” Joseph said to his brothers. They came closer. “I am Joseph your brother whom you sold into Egypt. But don’t feel badly, don’t blame yourselves for selling me. God was behind it. God sent me here ahead of you to save lives. There has been a famine in the land now for two years; the famine will continue for five more years—neither plowing nor harvesting. God sent me on ahead to pave the way and make sure there was a remnant in the land, to save your lives in an amazing act of deliverance. So you see, it wasn’t you who sent me here but God. He set me in place as a father to Pharaoh, put me in charge of his personal affairs, and made me ruler of all Egypt.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭45:4-8‬ ‭MSG‬‬

👉 Today it may be a bad experience but great days are ahead.
They sold him to destroy but God brought him to prosper.
👉 We define the present based in the past but God is preparing a powerful future for you.
👉 How much people will tear you so much God will lift you.
👉You sold Joseph but I have bought him in Egypt
Behind Joseph there was a God.
The brother of Joseph sold Joseph and become rich only for sometime but Joseph became rich permanently.
👉 They sold him to destroy him but God brought him to prosper him
👉 People can sell you to destroy you but God will buy you to prosper you.
👉 Their plan was to stop my building but God’s plan was to to build me
👉 People can sabotage and stop the supply for you but God has prepared a greater supply or you
👉 People pray to get money but we got the money for our land but after the money  we have prayed for 520days God say what ever I give them they will not stop praying.
👉  If the murmuring of the Isreal brought mana and quail how much more will the prayer of church bring blessings to the church.
👉 If you can survive in the mist of famine you can stand in times of abundance.
👉 Famine is only for a few days. Then prosperity will come.
👉 If you stay strong in the midst of the famine you will stay strong in the mist of your abundance
EC 11:4
Whatever little you have, you invest I will give the increase.
👉 When you bend your knees before God you don’t have to bend your head before men.
👉 When you fear God cannot backup but when you you are bold Heaven will back you up.
👉 Do not wait for the perfect condition for God to use you.
     Move forward with faith and God will back up. Don’t wait for the perfect condition that day will not come but today is the day.
God said to Gideon. You are a mighty man of valour but he said me!


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