Day 9: Sweat And Blood

Day 9: Sweat And Blood 

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they began to live a cursed life, on cursed land. 

When Jesus sweat drops of blood, they fell on the ground, signifying how He paid for all our struggles, once and for all. In the Garden of Eden, struggle entered. But in the Garden of Gethsemane, our Savior sweat drops of blood in order to redeem us forever! Since we live in Christ’s finished work, we do not live in curse, bondage, or poverty anymore! The favor of God will come through for you! 
So today, whatever you put your hands to, know that you will be fruitful in the name of Jesus. The blood of Christ has made you fruitful! 

DECLARE: I decree and declare that the blood of Jesus Christ shed for me on the cross has made me fruitful! The work of my hands will prosper because of the favor that goes before me. My family, my work, and my life is blessed in Jesus’ name! 

Pastor Sammy Thangiah 


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