Day 13: Go To Goshen
Day 13: Go To Goshen There may be many times in our lives, when our faith is stretched, particularly in seasons of famine and uncertainty. We need to know in the heart of our hearts, that even in the stretching season, God is still the one who provides, and He provides well. In Genesis 45, Joseph urged his brothers to come live near him in Goshen. “Come as fast as you can and join me here,” he instructed them. When they went to Goshen, Joseph provided for all of them, even during a severe famine. The word ‘Goshen’ means a place of nearness.For you and me, Goshen represents that place of nearness to Jesus, where we just rest in His presence. I Corinthians 6:17 tells us that ‘he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.’ This means that as a believer, you are in a permanent place of closeness with Jesus Christ. In this place of nearness, Goshen, He will protect and provide for you. He will fight your battles for you and bring you out of death. He will guide you and lead you f...