517th day of prayer 🙏 1 December 18

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517th day of prayer

How people reacted to the birth of Jesus
Mat 2:1-3 God put a star in heaven a special star ⭐️ to in
Num 24:17
“I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭24:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬
1. The wise men responded they came to see and worship him. They were wise men they studied and found out he will be he king 👑 . They came to the Jews and the jews opened the scriptures and found out that The king has to be born in Bethlehem. The star lead them to the scriptures and the scriptures lead them to Christ. All our experience should lead us to the word of God. God can use any one to bring you to Jesus. When we see the sea the heavens the stars we should see the  maker Jesus
2. Herod Fear came to him. No no other king in my kingdom. He killed the children.
Mathew 2:3-4
3. The religious leaders. They said the ruler should come from Bethlehem. They had accurate information but a wrong response. They refuse to go five miles and worship the king. We might have the Bible with us but what is the use if don’t have a change I can talk about healing but if I don’t have healing what is the use. You can talk about salvation but if you are not saved what is the use. The creation worshiped Jesus the wise men worshiped Jesus. The shepherd worshiped Jesus. But the religious people did not worship him. He comes in the heart of the people who truly sought him.
They thought Jesus will come directly from heaven and rule over them they did not understand that this wa the second coming of Jesus.
Three wise men but who is the fourth. The theme for the Christmas this year. The best gift is to give ourself to God.
What ever you give to the poor you gave to me.
The best gift we can give Jesus is one soul.


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