Sunday service 7th October


You don’t need a good drum 🥁 set or keyboard and powerful preacher but a people anointed by God.
When Revival comes Suddenly a group of people get together and pray.
Revival   comes there will be.
1.  Purity . there will be conviction of sins in the believers.
We will leave the bad life and start living a Holy life.
2. From Ungodliness to godliness.
3. We will have desire to grow spiritually.
4.  Worldliness to godliness.
5. We will change our tradition to the word of God.
“I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬
The Greek word used in this passage is Revival.
6. The church will go to the original state.  Fellowship, word of God.
7. He take you to your first love.
8. The church will be built up.
9. There will be a new freshness.
10. I will search my own heart. Will bring transformation.
11. We will obey Gods word.
12. Your home will become your sanctuary and your heart will be a alter.
Psalms 85:6 119:25.  Job 22:23 2 Tim.1:6. Isaiah 40:31, 2 chronicles 7:14 psalms 19:7


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