434th day of prayer Sunday service

Tamil service 8:30am
The cry of the little girl.
Acts 16
Christianity came to Europe in Acts chapter 16
The pain the girls go through God knows even the parents forsake their girls.
1. She was a slave,  60% of Roman Empire was slaves
Slaves were taken advantage of. What made her demon possessed ? Her masters using her for fortune telling. Satan comes to kill ,steel and destroy. This girl was taken advantage of. She cried who will deliver me.
2. What was she taken advantage of. Demons should have said do not go after Paul for he will deliver you. God will not speak anything to destroy you.
3. Her cry was for deliverance from the demons. Demons said  Paul will save. Our message is Jesus saves.
Someone may be crying now who will save me. We have to pay a price to deliver someone .
Many people may be taking advantage of you. Jesus wanted to deliver to you.
English service 10:30am
Acts 17
He stands in the midst of his church.
The proven Christ
1 Cor 2:4-6
1. Jesus had to proved.
The source of the power is the word of God.
Luke 24:7.
Your faith and my faith must rest on the word of God.
Have a good Theology, be a part of good bible study.
2. Jesus had to be accepted.
3. Jesus should be unashamedly proclaimed.


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